Wednesday, April 01, 2009

day 32 of Survivor Bomb School

Well, if this was really survivor i think i would be winning the million dollars now. I have been through 5 kids with fevers for 10 days, head lice over spring break and 500 loads of laundry washed, and about 499 lasft to fold and put away before David gets home next Friday!!!! Yes, you heard that right. Next Friday my hubby will graduate from bomb school as a certified bomb technician. One of my girl friends said, wow, that sound like a difficult job. I bet it pays good. Well, NO! it's giant sounding name pays squat thankyou very much. I say this with much love and devotion. :)lol I would like for it to mean that we are making a ton more so that we could move into a large farm house and let the kids run around outside and dig in the dirt and pick th flowers. Here at home we share a yard with Uncle Billy who loves his garden and gets mad at the kids for digging holes in the yard and at the dogs for doing the same thing. Oh well... He'll get over it. I will have David back soon and he will stand up for me when Uncle Billy gets mad at the kids. Wait until he sees the trampoline we want to get the kids for Easter! HAHA! He's going to love that eye sore. :) well, I should be cleaning the kitchen floor right now while the twins are at preschool. so i gotta go. I will try to post some pics from the bagpipe instillation dinner later. :)

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