Friday, April 10, 2009

Well we almost made it without anymore major tragedies. Yesterday Char was coughing and just couldn't catch her breath. I gave her a breathing treatment and that only seamed to help for a few mins. So I called the dr, took her in and she has freakin bronchitis. Just in time for Easter. :) Isn't that wonderful. Well, I talked to David this morning right before he went in to school. He has a few things left to do at school today and he thinks he will be on the road around 4pm. He is six hours away so that will put him back in St. Louis around 10 or 11 depending on Friday night traffic. Willie has been here with us this week. It has had it's moments but for the most part he has been a huge help. He sia dwe were going to spend the day cleaning the house today. Well, all of the kids are home from school today becasue it is Good Friday and it is raining. I hate to point out the obvious but what are we supposed to do with all of the kids while he and I are supposed to be cleaning? I am sure they don't want to spend the day cleaning too. Josie has a playdate today so at least she will get to go do that. Well, sorry I don't have any new pictures. Maybe next time. :) Off to find my kids some rubber boots so they can play outside. :)

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