So Friday we were supposed to get to go to the park but Bubba decided to fall asleep right before we were getting ready so instead we had to stay home. Since it was such a beautiful day, we went outside and worked to clean out all fo the crud in our garden. we haven't had any vegitables in this garden since I was pregnant with Char and Cara so you can imagine what has happened to this area. It took a while but with Uncle Billy's help we cleaned out all of the leaves. Then we cleaned out some crummy flower pots we had on the front porch. After bubba woke up we went to Home Depot and bought some beautiful Gerber Daisy's, Geraniums, and a few others that were to hard to even pronounce at the time or even remember now but they all look very beautiful on the front porch. I still have one hens and chickens pot to fill. I will work on that later this next week. I don't have any pics of the front porch yet. It was enough just to get the job done with the three little rugrats. I had to do some of it with bubba on my back in the Ergo. He fell on the concrete and skinned up his knee and was not having much fun after that. Then we took a short stroll in the red wagon and he was better. We didn't get any vegi's yet because I don't want to spend the money on them and then have snow next week. It's Saint Louis, you know it could happen. Anyway, we found that we have grubs in the vegi garden area. So we have to get rid of them first. Right now it is just a really good digging in the dirt area. Oh, I forgot to mention about Char and Cara's new friend Wormy they found in the garden that day. He was just a regular earth worm but they loved to watch him wiggle in their spades.

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