One of our fishes had a baby last night. It was very exciting for a minute and then the kids started freakin out because they thought that the three very large bottom feeders we have might eat the one very little baby. So David put on his jeans and went to Pet Co at 8:30pm. He got a little basket for it to swim in so it doesn't get eaten. There may have been more but we could only find one.
Also, thank goodness for Dierbergs and their fabulous bakery!! Tonight is International Thinking Night at Josie's school for Girl Scouts. It is where all of the GS troups from her school get together and each troop learns agout a country. Ours is Ireland. I was supposed to make scones for tonight. Well, I am not a very good baker so I thought I would leave this one up to the pros. Thank you Dierbergs!!!!! I know they will be a big hit. I also did $200 worth of grocery shopping while I was there. I hate grocery shopping. I was pleasently surprised by their prices on milk though. At walmart a gallon of "Great Value" 2% is 2.76 and at Dierbergs a gallon of "Farmcrest"2% was 2.96. Not to bad. Aldi's got them both beat though at $2.88 a gallon. I know it doesn't sound like a lot but when you are feeding a family of seven on a salary of one, it really does add up. I do like that they are so very healpfull at Dierbergs which really does make a huge difference when you are shopping with three small kids. They have pushed one of my two carts out to my truck in the pouring rain and unloaded both of them while I put the kids in the car. I like their carts that have the little cars in the front too. It is where I will probably go while David is AWOL. Oooh, I can get my Annie's fruit snacks there too. Walmart doesn't carry them. I usually have to go to Target for those. I wonder if they do a double coupon day??? HUH HUM!!!
Clearing throat here. Meghan??? I would also like to tell you about my great new findings with State Farm Insurance but I don't have the time right now. I have to start getting ready to take the twins to pre-school. We have to leave in 2 hours. That's how long it will take us to ge out the door. Here are some pics from Uncle Billy's surprise 40th that David and I threw him. He said it was his first surprise b-day ever.
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