Wednesday, March 25, 2009
it's only wednesday...
Well, it's only Wed and I wish it ws aleady Friday. David is going to try to come home this weekend if he doesn't end up having togoto school on Saturday. They have practical learning things that they are doing outside and if it is raining thay can't do it. If they can't do it, then they will make him go in on Saturday to make up what he missed. Not just David but the whole group will have class on Saturday. I like these quiet school day morning periods where Abi has already gotten on the bus and no one else is awake yet. I'm sure I could find something a little more productive to be doing than this but it is just nice to clear my head before the day. Know what I mean? So, yesterday while the twins were in preschool I went to Target and got these really cool stackable shelves that cost a small fortune but are making my laundry room very organized and look really freakin cool. If I get a chance to finish sticking them together I will take a finished pic and let you see what they look like. They are Itso boxes. Now I am insearch of a babysitter so that I can go out Friday night with a friend of mine. I really feel like I need to go sit somwhere and unwind. Go and sit and socialize with girls, have a few coctails??? You kno what I mean? I offered my cousin and his girlfriend 10 bucks an hour. I am also looking forward to getting togo to church this weekend. I haven't gotten to go for the last few weeks because I either had sick kids or kids with Headlice. Yes, I said headlice. For those of you who didn't know yet, Abi had head lice last week over spring break. That was why I didn't post what we did for spring break. She had them pretty bad and it took me three tries to get rid of them. Those little buggers just wouldn't die. We were finaly lice free on Saturday morning but I didn't want to take any chances so she stayed home. The older two did get to go to my Mom's Saturday night after we knew we were lice free so that I could finish getting my house clean. Then my little brother Will came over to help me move some things around so I could do some real good spring cleaning. My house itsn't finished getting put back together yet either. Steff, my brother's girlfriend is supposed to come over today to help me put thing back to normal. I did mention on Facebook that I took 21 loads to the laundry mat last week. That was why. Now I have about 15 loads to still put away. I just put them all in baby david's room to get them out of the way. No one sleeps in there anyway. Well, only 17 days left. Maybe it will be smoother. I didn't read my horoscope for the day yet. :) I also didn't get to go to the park yesterday. I really need to though. Just as long as no one brings home any cooties!!!! PLease enough is enough. Oh, I didn't mention what Murrah did Monday night. I had a gallon ziplock bag sitting on my stove with mostaccoli in it that i had made sunday night but no one ate it yet. So i was going to feed it to them on Monday night because I know I would have Arthur to feed too then. So I get out the mostaccoli, set it on the stove, and go outside to get all of the kids. when i came back in there was an empty ziplock on the living room floor. He spent the rest of the night with diareah, a pukin. Searves him right. Since no one else had even gotten to eat it yet. He's better now though. i have another story te tell but bubba has woken up and i can't nac with him he's just big.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
My Horoscope for today
(10/24-11/22) Scorpio
You've got far more going on today than anyone close can realize -- and your odder talents can help you save the day! It's a good time for you to step up to show the world what you can do.
You've got far more going on today than anyone close can realize -- and your odder talents can help you save the day! It's a good time for you to step up to show the world what you can do.
Well, I don't know about today yet because it is only 7am but yesterday I had a nervous breakdown and I got on some meds. They are working very nicely and I feel a little more normal today. I am glad it is Tuesday and I have a nice week ahead of me. I don't realy know what my "odder talents"are so not sure what to do there but I do know that it is time for me to step up and show myself I can do this. Abihas left on the bus already and Arthur will be here soon so that he and Josie can catch the bus together. Baby David is still asleep for now. Not sure how much longer that is going to last. It seems he would sleep in until 8am if I was laying down beside him but durring the week I have toget up at 6 for Abi to help her get out of the house. I haven't taken to many pics since David has been gone but I will see what I might have to share. I know it is going to be rainy today but I could realy use a morning at the park to help clear my head. So of these pics, That is Cara wearing her hat with her swimsuit on to eat her pancakes. I posted the same pics twice but I can't figure out how to get one off so they both stay. That is Abi and two of her puppies in bed with her. Also her sibling pestering her to get out of bed. It was a weekend day. They don't all get up with her during the week. Then there's the ones of Bubba. He was eating a bowl of cereal. He can't EAT cereal, he only can wear it. That's all for now, I want to get a shower before baby david gets up if we ever plan to get to the park today before preschool.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
happy st. patty's day!!
Well, sorry I don't have any cute pics to post. I know I am far behind. All the kids had on realy cute shirts for today too. Ab and Jo are on spring break this week but Char and Cara have school Tues and Wed. So I got a little shopping done today plus I had to go to a new Insurance place to get new Home owners Ins. I didn't like what I have know. I have been using State Farm and I didn't much care for them. It is a long story and I am trying to get this out before bubba wakes up again and I have to go to bed for good then. I already have the dishwasher running and my coffee set for tomorrow so I am ready for bed. I have just been having a difficult time falling asleep the last few nights. Sorry if there are mistakes, I am going to fast. When I get going ti gets hard to stop. I fi stop I will forget someting I wanted to say. I really want to do something with the kids tomorrow but it looks like it is going to rain. Maybe we will just take the dogs for a walk on the trail. We live very close to Gran'ts Trail. I wonder if they have the trail closed at Gravois because of the construction. We are getting a new bridge at Grant's road and gravois. One of my mother's made a comment to me today that really hit me and i just haven't been able to let it go. She told my little brother that my nephew was to much for me to have right now with David gone and that even my own kids were to much for me to handle. That really freaking hurt becasue I have been doi9ng this by myslef for the last 17 days, but whose counting, except for a few nights when one of my moms have come over to help me with homework, bath-time and bed time. I still do most of the work even when they are here becasue htye are not aware of the eveniong schedule that I keep so that I can get everyone into bed by eight pm. even whay the kids are on spring break i am getting them into bed by8. I let them sit and read for a little while longer than a school night but childrn need consistancy and I think i am doing a pretty damn good job all by mysef.. Thank you very much. I amsl had sick kids for 10 straight days in a row of fever and sore throats. I made it though. When I asked them for help before he left it was so that I could get maybe one night a week to go out fo the house without a kid. Everywhere I go I hacve five kids with me. I just wanted to go somewhere by myslef for a few hours to come back refreshed and be a better mom becasue of it. I am not asking for any simpathy here. So don't read any whyining into this. I am simply stating that all I was asking for was 2 hours on and friday or saturday to be by myself. I can't go out on a school night becasue my kids need to sty on schedule. UGH!!! Why am i said to not even be able to "HANDLE" my own kids, just becasue I needed a few hours to myself. My kids always come first in everything I do. Some people may not see it that way but it's true. And that's fine, I have not been asking for help from either of them anymore becasue of the comments made since David left that, why do i feel like I "need" help? They are your kids and you put yourself into this "sittuation" by yourself. Oh, here it comes again... noone did this to you Amy, you did this to yourself. :) WELLL!!!! Hah to you, becasue i love what I did to myslef, they are mine and thank you GOD for givingt each and everyone of them to me!!!! They are AWSOME and I am a better person for having them. Char and Cara are not easy and that is true but that's okay because, I learn tons from thm every day. And the comment, Abi would have been a great only child has got to stop becasue she is not an only child and she is also a better person for having such a big family. *nothing wrong with having only children* :) But i don't and I shouldn't be told that my daughter would have been better off if we hadn't given her a brother and 3 sisters. It really sucks that she didn't get to play volley ball with her school this year but when her daddy gets back she is going to get to do volley ball at the Y if she still wants to do it. Her Dad will be here to help me run her back and forth to practice and games. The season with school only lasted 6 weeks. It started two weeks ago and was practice from 7 to8pm on wed and thurs with games on friday and sat. That was just way to much to ask me to do this year. I did it last year while David was gone but I had another mom that helped with car pooling. We took turns. This year that girl was not doing it and I just didn't know any of the parents well enough. She is going to a new school this year from last and there are a ton more students. Buuba 's up gotta go
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Not to terrible...
Well, today is day 12. It has not been terrible. I am ready for David to come home for a break. He says he is going to try to come home Friday after school which means he will get home around 12am and be here Saturday and then have to leave early Sunday morning. Josie is home sick from school today with a fever. She won't be going to school again tomorrow either. They need to be fever free for 24hours before they can go back to school. Tomorrow is their last day before spring break. Ab and Jo's spring break is different than Char and Cara's. They will still be going to preschool on Tues and Thursday next week. I have some pics and some video's i'd like to share. I will post the iceskating pics first. Then Abi and I made some video's of her with her instruments.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
so yesterday one of my mother's came over to help me in the evening with bath-time, bed-time, and homework. This is the most stressful time of the day. I have been having a few rough days because instead of just accepting what is happening, I am feeling sad and get upset a lot. So, when they all call and ask how I am doing, I have been sharing about how difficult a time I am having coming to grips with my "situation" as my mother puts it. So, this is my "situation" I am going to accept it and take care of things. Sometimes help makes it harder and sometimes help makes it run smoother. I have had both situations so far. I don't know how David does not just sit in his room every night and cry because he is so far away from his family and if we don't go to visit him, he won't physically get to see us for 6 weeks. When i was in the hospital for 4 days having baby David, I cried every day because I wanted to go back home and be with my family.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
turning a new leaf...
okay so one of my posts have been deleted. After re-reading this several times, i have decided i was going through a very emotional thing that day and I should have never posted something like that. I don't know any follow up from the fire that day but just the fact that there was a fatality should have been enough to make David having to go into work that day, on our last day, okay. For some reason, which I have already decided was stress and emotions I let both of them(stress and emotions) overcome me that day and say very selfish things that didn't even make sence when you say them out loud. So, I am trying to turn a new leaf here and say, I know God forgives me for being so selfish that day. I just hope that no one else hold those words against me. It was a difficult day and I am glad that the difficult days are almost over. For at least a while. Until he goes to Jeff City and DC in May and then Detroit in June.
It's the first of March...Oh Hurray :)
Can you hear the sarcasm in my voice? :) I have been waiting for the first of March like some one would wait for a root canal. At least I got all fo my shopping finished. I still have a lot of girl scout cookies in my garage. I have to get rid of those this week. Now I just have the ones my kids sold. Everyone from Abi's troop picked up their cookies from me this weekend.
Well, here I go again on my own... goin down the only road i've ever know... like a drifter I was born to walk alone... I ain't waistin no more time... Yes, I like Whitesnake. :) This song has been in my head all morning long. I heard it on the radio when I was on my way home from the grocery store and it just won't go away. :)
Well, Abi had her party with her girl friend last night at the ice skating rink. We all went and had a GREAT time. Bubba wouldn't let Aunt Sue take off his skates. He loved wearing them. Even though he couldn't stand up on the ice he cried every time you took him off the rink. Cousin Kenny was great with Char and Cara. I have lots of pics but I won't be able to post them until tonight after I get everyone to sleep. I haven't even downloaded them onto my computer. I took some video too. David has only been gone for 5 hours and I wish he was here so he could go and get me a Diet Pepsi already. He usually brings me one every day on his way home from work. Also Chloe has been gone now since Saturday and I really miss her. It's like having one of your kids away at camp and you can't see them whenever you want to . I am going to go to Clayton sometime next week to visit her. There are two empty spots in my bed now and I sucks. At least I still have my Bubba to snuggle.
Well, here I go again on my own... goin down the only road i've ever know... like a drifter I was born to walk alone... I ain't waistin no more time... Yes, I like Whitesnake. :) This song has been in my head all morning long. I heard it on the radio when I was on my way home from the grocery store and it just won't go away. :)
Well, Abi had her party with her girl friend last night at the ice skating rink. We all went and had a GREAT time. Bubba wouldn't let Aunt Sue take off his skates. He loved wearing them. Even though he couldn't stand up on the ice he cried every time you took him off the rink. Cousin Kenny was great with Char and Cara. I have lots of pics but I won't be able to post them until tonight after I get everyone to sleep. I haven't even downloaded them onto my computer. I took some video too. David has only been gone for 5 hours and I wish he was here so he could go and get me a Diet Pepsi already. He usually brings me one every day on his way home from work. Also Chloe has been gone now since Saturday and I really miss her. It's like having one of your kids away at camp and you can't see them whenever you want to . I am going to go to Clayton sometime next week to visit her. There are two empty spots in my bed now and I sucks. At least I still have my Bubba to snuggle.
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